We hope everyone had a fantastic summer and is ready to get into a brand new season of Wheelchair Basketball and Wheelchair Rugby.
Wheelchair Basketball will resume this Tuesday, October 4th at 6:00PM at the Duckworth Center located at the U of W. The night will begin with a player’s meeting, followed by coaches interviews and open court. For the full 2016 WCB schedule please visit the Wheelchair Basketball Page.
Wheelchair Rugby will resume on Monday, October 17th from 8:30 to 10:00PM. All practices are held at the U of W Duckworth Center. For the full 2016 WCR schedule please visit the Wheelchair Rugby Page.
The Wheelchair Rugby program is also looking for a coach and equipment manager for this upcoming season.There may be opportunities for a person to get trained and certified as a coach, as well as opportunities to travel with the team. If you or someone you know is interested please contact the office for more information at (204) 925-5790.